Websites for Parents Contemplating Divorce or Who Are Divorced
offers an interactive calendar that shows activities
at a glance: who is picking up and dropping off the children and for which parent
and children should be attending an event.
Icons quickly identify the event.
Provides a means for parents to trade or forfeit days.
Also offers a message board providing parents the ability to communicate directly
with any or all members of your family.
Another feature is the Information Bank that allows family members to share and
access information about the family, like health insurance, financial information,
family vitals and names of health providers.
An expense log permits parents to track their expense sharing and automatically
calculate each parent’s share of any expense based on its type and approval status.
Cost for EACH parent as follows:
• $55.00 for a six month subscription (approx. $9.17 per month)
• $99.00 for a one year subscription (approx. $8.25 per month)
• $179.00 for a two year subscription (approx $7.46 per month)
www.Jointparents.com helps divorced parents with joint custody and
residential parenting schedules.
The calendar function provides family and parenting calendar, graphical view of parental visitation.
Has many of the links of ourfamilywizard.com but with links to low-cost,
court-approved, online-parenting classes for separating, divorcing, and remarrying families in transition.
Per parent cost: 30 days free use of system; Monthly (per parent) = $9.95; Annually $99.50 with 2 free months.
www.virtualvisitation.mobi is a website for parents with PDAs who live
some distance from their children.
It provides services to help a parent start using video calls to keep in touch with their children and
other family members.
www.sharedground.com provides calendar wizards to guide parents through
school schedules, holidays and special occasions.
Also has at-a-glance color coding and calculator to determine how much time the children are with each parent.
www.uptoparents.com A free, confidential, and interactive website for
divorcing and divorced parents.
This website provides parents tools to defend themselves against unnecessary hurt, turmoil, and expense.
Its main focus is protecting their children.
While it lacks interactivity features, it contains a range of information on how warring parents can
provide safe, loving atmosphere for their children.
www.divorcespider.com calls itself the only divorce search engine and offers
a multitude of articles, fora, and other informational features for parents in divorce or considering divorce.
"Carolyn is easy to recommend. She is dedicated, caring, intelligent, motivated, responsible, enthusiastic,
talented, creative, and a pleasure to work with. She initiates and follows through, imagines and implements.
She is skillful in working with people and conflicts." - Ken Cloke, President of Mediators Beyond Borders
(Ken Cloke is a leader in the field of Mediation and author of “Mediating Dangerously.”)